1. Financial Due Diligence

In this category lie some of the following elements, which have to be audited and unaudited financial statements for a particular look-back period of normally 3 and 5 years for the firm’s performance, condition, and economic health. The reports

 also indicate the cash flow, assets, liabilities, secured financing, and increasing or decreasing profitability.

Historical information retrieved in the financial due diligence list consists of the following:

2. Operational Due Diligence

Some of the operational things to be viewed are as follows:

3. Sales Enablement and Marketing Due Diligence

Sales enablement and marketing due diligence involve the following:

4. Human Resources Due Diligence

Human Resources due diligence is undertaken with the review of the following:

5. Intellectual Property Due Diligence

Intellectual property due diligence entails the study of the following:

6. Legal Due Diligence

Critical legal insights due diligence documents include:

7. Property/Real Estate Due Diligence

Property and real estate due diligence necessitates a review of the following.

8. IT Due Diligence

The critical takeaway and framework to understand a due diligence company are the following:  

Due Diligence Best Practices

Conducting due diligence entails having the appropriate intelligence and resources on your side, a means to not miss any piece of information, and access to deeply comprehensive, relevant insights that guide decisive action, drive sound recommendations, and leverage opportunities.

In the age of information overload, you need a market intelligence tool that can speedily identify and reveal the most relevant business information. Leading market intelligence tools apply artificial intelligence and automation to transform the due diligence process and open scope and scale for its performance. AlphaSense features an industry-leading platform using AI and genAI to serve market intelligence in seconds and streamline the due diligence process with improvements.

Getting up to speed on an industry or a theme to pressure-test a hypothesis has always been challenging. Smart Summaries, like the ones that leverage genAI, bring instant insights and trends across a sector or key companies. The due diligence checklist feature highlights the top trending companies within a sector and surfaces overall trending topics, positives, negatives, and outlooks across all companies in an industry.